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The Republican Party of Texas holds conventions during election years. In even-numbered years, we hold precinct conventions, county/senatorial district conventions, a state convention, and in presidential years, a national convention.


The purposes of the conventions are to:

  • Choose delegates and alternates to the next higher convention level, when applicable; and

  • Consider resolutions or statements on policy issues to send to the next higher convention and/or for eventual inclusion in the state or national Party platform, Rules, or Legislative Priorities.


Those who vote in the Republican primary election (either in person or by mail) can attend the various Republican Party conventions held that year.


Join us and let YOUR voice be heard.

2024 Timeline

Precinct Convention


State Convention

MAY 23-25

County Convention

National Convention


JULY 15-18



The Republican Part of Texas State Convention will be held May 23-25 in San Antonio, TX.


If you are a Delegate/Alternate preparing to attend click the links below to see more info.


Defend Texas, save America!

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